8 Mar 2018

Aquamarine comes from the Latin wording ‘aqua marina’, which translates as ‘sea water’. So, not surprisingly it was used as a talisman of sailors to calm the seas, prevent sea-sickness and offer protection, its other qualities are courage, fidelity, tranquillity and inner peace. Legend says that Aquamarine gems were treasure belonging to mermaids!
As part of the Beryl family, Aquamarine is related to the green gem Emerald, unlike the Emerald you can find Aquamarine in a wide range of ‘sea’ type colours of blue and green hues. In fact, the more vibrant the colours and the higher the clarity the more prized the crystal is.
Fun Facts about Aquamarine
- Aquamarine is the birthstone for those born in the month of March.
- The gem is also used to celebrate 19th wedding anniversaries. The crystal in general is thought to enhance the happiness in marriage.
- For healing purposes, the serenity the stone provides make it perfect for those dealing with anger issues.
- Aquamarine is often used during meditation or chakra healing focusing on the 5th chakra region to assist sore throats, thyroid issues and swollen glands.
- The stone is connected to Pisces, but not just those born under Pisces would benefit, if you have Pisces anywhere in your astrological chart it is still worth having Aquamarine as part of your collection – it provides warm-hearted energy and is a soothing stone, great for pacifying nerves.
- Ancient Romans believed that the god of the sea – Neptune had a special connection with Aquamarine, legend says that Neptune acquired the stone as one had fallen from a ‘Sirens’ jewellery box and washed up on the sea shore. Neptune did not want the stones to fall back into the sea, where their saviour characteristics would be lost, instead he wished for them to carry on protecting sailors and other sea-fairing folk.
- Aquamarine is the go to gem for mystics, it will sharpen intuition, whilst balancing mind, body and soul. The crystal allows you to enter a higher state of awareness, letting you bring truth forward. It protects against gossip and provides wisdom and happiness.