6 Sep 2024
Autumn Equinox: Back to school
Autumn Equinox: Back to school, back to work, back to reality…
Autumn and September can be a period of adjustment for many. Children go back to school, and perhaps, they are starting; a new school, changing teacher or classroom. Adults often have time off in August and may have gone on holiday; it is a time when many reflect on their life and particularly their job – and it is easy for the Sunday Night Scaries to set in, as usual routines have to resume.
September is the time we welcome in the Autumn Equinox – otherwise known as Mabon, the period where once again, night and day are equal in length. Those that don’t particularly enjoy the warmer months may be looking forward to a time of jeans, jumpers, boots and scarves, but others are sad to see the summer fade and the nights draw in.
So, what can we do; to make the most of this Autumn season?
- Try to get back into a usual routine, early to bed and setting an alarm for the morning.
- Do as much as possible the night before; so that the morning doesn’t seem so frantic. Packed lunches, packing school bags and sports kits, getting clothes read etc.
- If time allows at the weekend, you may find it helpful to do some food prep for the fridge and freezer; so you still have something nourishing to eat on nights when you have to be out of the house; or days when things haven’t gone to plan.
- Children are naturally anxious if things are changing for them, education-wise. Try to spend some extra time with your children, discussing any fears they have about school beginning, and try to show excitement for the new term and everything they will learn and experience.
- If you have to commute to work, then; try and schedule an extra 10-15 minutes for those first weeks back, as September traffic can be a shock after the school holidays, especially if we add rain into the mix!
- If you have worries over your job, then try to spend some time in the evening writing down any concerns and looking at what you can and cannot impact. Hopefully, this will allow you to get more rest and sleep better.
- Reminiscing over the summer can be great for everyone. Perhaps you can talk about the friends/family you met, the new activity you tried, and the new places you went and look over photos together.
- If money allows, why not book something to look forward to? It doesn’t have to be a holiday or even a weekend away; it could be a day out. As a family, you could book a trip to a safari park. Get a date night on the cards with your partner, and you could have a facial or get your nails done.
- If you are finding September a struggle, then don’t forget that the team of readers at Psychic Light are available 24/7 – so give us a call!