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6 Jan 2016

How Mindfulness Can Help You Feel Connected


In today’s busy lifestyle, it’s far too easy to get distracted; to start one task and move on to another before finishing or being so busy thinking of the next item on your to-do list that you can’t pay full attention to your current task.

Mindfulness can help with these feelings of disconnect, allowing you to feel rewired not only to the task at hand, but also to yourself.

Research has shown that when you feel at one with yourself you can truly live in the moment, as you’re completely aware of yourself and your surroundings. But how do you reach this state?

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a psychological and spiritual state achieved through meditation that can improve self-awareness. This allows you to acknowledge and accept thoughts and feelings that you may otherwise supress or not even be aware of.

Meditation can help ease the stress of daily life, but the practice offers more than just self-help; it can also aid in self-enhancement, too.
Furthermore, mindfulness is deemed to be so effective that it’s being used as a form of therapy and has been integrated into teaching methods.

How Can Mindfulness Help?

Mindfulness can help you feel completely connected to your body and mind and, with this, you’ll find that you feel more connected to outside influences too; the drop of rain on a leaf, the pattern of the clouds in the sky, and even the cars on the road as you drive to work. You’ll appreciate your surroundings a lot more.

So with heightened senses, could you also feel connected to someone else, even in their absence? Arguably, yes. Being more in touch with yourself and your senses can help with the acceptance of loss. You may appreciate nature more because you can sense your loved ones in your surroundings.

Each mindful meditation is personal so only you know what you feel and what that means to you. Some see orbs or light when they do a body scan meditation, others reach a state of serenity; an important part of mindfulness is how we connect with our body and experience physical sensations.

This can help you in day-to-day scenarios, to remain calm in stressful situations or in tune with yourself in a world that is forever trying to interrupt your composure.

Connecting to Yourself

Mindfulness is a great tool to stop and consider yourself in the present moment, by teaching you how to be present and mindful of your surroundings. In that instant you can feel truly connected to yourself because you’re allowing yourself to be; to be at one with the moment, with yourself, with your energy.

It’s a gentle process of simply observing what’s present without judgement or criticism. When your mind becomes quiet and you’re truly at peace, you are achieving mindfulness meditation. What’s great about mindfulness is that even when you’re at your busiest you can still achieve mindfulness as it allows you to focus on the task at hand, to order your thoughts and deal with the present moment.

Mindfulness teaches you to be patient with yourself and that’s no mean feat. You need to focus on yourself, or refocus if you’ve strayed.
Mindfulness is helpful to both mental and physical health and when you feel connected to yourself, it can allow you to feel more connected to your life.

So whether you’re multi-tasking or dual-screening (where you watch TV whilst on your laptop or tablet), give mindfulness a try, as it helps you disconnect to be able to reconnect.

Have you tried mindfulness? Do you find it helpful for finding your inner peace? Do you feel more connected to yourself and others when you actively practice?

Written by: The Circle