7 Oct 2015
Intuition Quiz
Intuition, gut feeling, sixth sense!
Whatever you want to call it it’s a powerful tool in how you run your life, assuming you listen to it!
Most of us have some level of intuition, and this psychic sensitivity can be enhanced, but there is a need to take a mental leap – in to believing and trusting in your gift sufficiently to act on the information you are getting through. Many of us will bat away our perception and create explanations for things that have happened – making the insights in to something rational rather than unexplained.
Why not take this intuition quiz to see how highly tuned your sixth sense is, this might show you that you have more work to do in honing your feelings or it might show that your intuition is highly tuned and you just need to start believing in your abilities:
- When you enter a home or building – do you get any instant feelings (do you feel like there is a happy energy, or that the place is threatening?)
- Do you know someone is going to call you, before the phone even rings?
- When you wake in the morning, do you feel as though you received a message overnight and like a piece of the puzzle just fell in to place?
- When you meet someone new – do you instantly know if you can trust them?
- Are you able to verbalise other people’s thoughts out loud?
- When you are driving, are you able to go off route – not use a satnav or map and yet arrive at the destination you needed, seemingly unaided?
- When you close your eyes to go to sleep – do you see visions, such as faces or eyes?
- Does your body sometimes break out in a physical symptom – a cold sweat, hairs standing up etc. as if to warn you of something?
- Have you every sought advice from family and friends on a situation and then done the complete opposite – knowing that was the right thing to do?
- When you meet someone new – do you ever get an overwhelming thought about them, either something that will happen or has happened and later on you find out you were correct?
- In life – do you feel like you experience a lot of coincidences?
1-2 questions means that you have some intuitive abilities, but you need to develop them further. 3-5 questions suggest that your intuition is active, but can be increased further – learn to trust your own thoughts. 6-9 questions show that your 6th sense is well developed, with practise you will be able to apply what you know more readily. 10 or more questions – congratulations, your intuition is highly developed. You can be confident and trust your judgement.
Ref: Discover Your Sixth Sense by Julie Soskin