17 Oct 2014
Moving in Together
If you have been in a committed relationship for some time, then the next logical step may be to move in together. Some people consider the living together stage as a trial run for marriage, others are happy just taking that step and see living together as the ultimate commitment. Some studies have suggested that couples that live together first may in fact have relationships that last eight years longer than those who don’t.
If you are trying to weigh up whether moving in together is the right next move, there are a few things to consider, it doesn’t matter whether you have been with your partner for years or have only known each other for a short time – the same questions apply:
Do you both feel ready?
When we are dating, often we put our best foot forward when we meet up with our partners and things are kept exciting by meeting for dates. Are you ready for the warts and all situations – seeing each other when you are poorly, being around each other 24/7, no make-up in the mornings, morning breath and more…
Moving in together can make or break a relationship – which is why many people try going on holiday together first for longer and longer periods that give you a taste of what things might be like! If you have successfully been away and managed stressful situations, finances and 24 hour periods with your loved one then you may well be ready to move to the next level.
You need to ask yourself – Do you really like the person – faults and all? Do you have shared interests? Do you share a sense of humour – can you make each other laugh? Do you feel a 100% able to be yourself around them? Do their annoying habits drive you crazy or do they just make you love them more?
Tips for the next level:
If you do decide that the time is right, then there are some things that can make the transition from dating to living together easier:
Communicate – before you move in together discuss the important things from money to how the household will run. Also what the future expectations are, is moving in together a stepping stone to a life together – in which case do you have the same future goals, wants and dreams?
Independence – just because you have moved in together does not mean that you now need to live in each other’s pockets. It is important to maintain important relationships with colleagues, family and friends. Having time away from each other will keep the relationship fresh and having hobbies and interests will give you something to talk about when you come together.
Lastly it is important to not take the relationship for granted once you have moved in together – you still need to work at the relationship to ensure that it grows and that you grow as a couple moving in a direction your are both happy with.
If you are at a crossroads in your relationship and want to discuss whether now is the time to move in with your loved one, then visit our reader pages now and choose a psychic to call.