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10 Jan 2024

New Year Resolutions Made Easier

New Year Resolutions

It would seem that people are falling out of love with the idea of New Year Resolutions. Globally, the big things that people want to change in their lives don’t change that much – lose weight, get fitter/healthier, drink less alcohol, give up smoking, learn a language, learn an instrument, travel more, have better work/life balance and so on. But, whilst many of us are interested in achieving these changes, many of us don’t make it past the first six weeks of the New Year, and often by Valentine’s Day, the goals are relegated to a distant memory.

So, what to do instead?

Well, in 2024, many people are aiming for much smaller changes instead of big New Year Resolutions, which added together, make for a happier, more interesting, and fulfilled life. Here are some ideas to get you started, no doubt, some on this list will appeal – but you may have your own things to add. Some of the things you may well do already, in fact, may be non-negotiable for you – but will be a hurdle and point of dissatisfaction for others.

New Year Resolutions

If even curating a simple list leaves you cold. You could just come up with one sentiment – to frame the way, you would like to tackle the year.


In 2024, I want to focus on things I am passionate about.


2024 should be all about bringing calm into my life.

Happy New Year, wishing you every success in 2024 and beyond…

Written by: I4C_Blog_Admin