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1 Aug 2019

Aromatherapy for Summer


Although there are a few exceptions, generally aromatherapy essential oils are too potent to use direct on skin, and so should be diluted in a carrier oil before use.

Essential oils have been used for centuries to cure a host of conditions, and have been used in baths, as massage oils and even in teas.

Nowadays there are easier ways to use them in the home with special burners fit for the purpose. Please make sure you follow the instructions carefully.

Here are some great aromatherapy essential oils for summer:


Citronella is perhaps not the first choice for use in aromatherapy, as it has a sharp smell, however it does have some very useful properties that make it perfect in some situations. If you are in a hot climate it is a natural deodoriser, and also an insecticide, naturally repelling insects such as mosquitoes. It also has antiseptic properties, helping with minor cuts, scrapes and stings. It can also be added to home-made cleaning products, giving them the characteristic lemon-camphor scent.


Lavender is perhaps the essential oil that most people start with and for very good reason, as it is so versatile and offers so many benefits. It is an antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal. Treating: abrasions, acne, boils, stress, colds and sunburn to name a few. It can be used neat in very small quantities, making it a great addition to a first-aid box.


If you are struggling to sleep in the sticky humid British weather, or are suffering with jet-lag from a trip, then Marjoram could help as a treatment for insomnia. It has sedative and calming actions and can induce drowsiness. Used in a bath or as a massage oil is probably best for the above benefits, it goes well with citrus or floral carrier oils and will ease aching tired muscles as a bonus.

Tea Tree

Most people will have heard of Tea Tree Oil, and it is not surprising as it’s somewhat of a miracle oil. It has an ability to be active against fungal, bacterial and viral organisms. It can be useful during summer, if the sun brings out cold sores, equally if you are bitten by insects it is a great on the spot treatment. It has been used on coughs, colds, warts, burns, acne and even in treating dandruff. Look for a high-quality product with an end date and use within 12 months of opening. It can be used neat in small quantities. For other uses try blending with rosemary or pine.

Note: If you are new to using essential oils, an aromatherapy specialist can guide you on what is the best carrier oil (if needed), as well as the best essential oil to use – depending on how you want to use it, and if you are trying to treat any particular ailment.

Written by: I4C_Blog_Admin