12 Oct 2016
Zodiac Element Compatibility

As well as your star sign, the element under which you were born may have a bearing on your compatibility with your partner:
Characteristics of your personality are defined by triplicities (what we commonly refer to as the elements) – made up of fire signs, air signs, water signs and earth signs.
Generally fire signs are enthusiastic, air signs are communicators and are intellectual, water signs are emotional, sensitive and intuitive and earth signs are practical and stable. Those that share a strong emphasis with one sign will be highly compatible.
In this area there is a second component to take in to account called quadruplicities, more simply put this is the qualities a person has, they are defined by: ‘cardinal’ – outgoing, ‘fixed’ – rigid opinions and ‘mutable’ – adaptable.
Lastly signs can be positive (will veer towards extroversion) or negative (will veer towards intro-version) and masculine or feminine.
Here is a list of element pairs and their likely compatibility:
- Fire & Fire
A passionate pairing – especially at the beginning, but be careful – it may just be lust and not love, and the ignited fire may burn out…
- Fire & Earth
The early desire in this pairing burns hot, but earth does not adapt easily and its need for routine is likely to eventually put out the flames…
- Fire & Air
A long-term relationship from this pairing is unlikely or difficult at best – heavy lust at the beginning, but the passion will fade fast, the commitment is probably ruined by air talking too much…
- Fire & Water
This could go either way – either a steamy hot relationship or a damp squid – there’s a possibility of hurt feelings, as water finds it hard to cope with fires independence…
- Earth & Earth
This is a match made in heaven, they may be slow to get together, but a sensual long-term relationship, that doesn’t want to part, will be the outcome…
- Earth & Air
This is definitely a case of opposites attract – air may think earth is too serious, and in contrast earth will find air too frivolous, but sometimes these things come together…
- Earth & Water
There will be no arguments with this pairing, but that’s not necessarily a good thing, it could be the relationship is the real deal, but it could also be a mess, but neither party will raise the difficult questions…
- Air & Air
Talking, talking, talking – it’s all they do – perhaps better friends than lovers? The sex could be great, but the need to both be heard is deafening…
- Air & Water
Water is all about how they feel, but Air is all about explaining what they think – it could work, but it’s a problematic combination.
- Water & Water
This is the equivalent of a soul-mate partnering, they are meant to be together and their relationship is everlasting. They are empathetic, emotional and bound by their ties to each other…