31 Jul 2024
Animal Communication
If you love animals, then you have already got the basics 0f animal communication. The high vibrational energy of loving thoughts brings us closer to the energetic level of communicating psychically, or telepathically with any species. Telepathy is derived from two Ancient Greek words; “tele”, meaning distant, and “pathos”, meaning feeling. Therefore, when you use telepathic communication, you are FEELING at a DISTANCE.
It’s not necessary to have any special level of psychic skill to do this work, but it’s imperative that you are able to quiet the chatter of your human mind and focus entirely on the animal that you wish to communicate with. This takes practice, but it is easily learned, and if you have ever meditated then you already have the toolkit to achieve a quiet mind.
Animals are excellent psychic communicators, as they use energy to communicate with each other every day. Whilst most species have some kind of vocalisation or sound in their language, and of course they use body language to indicate to each other and to us just how they feel and what they might need to happen in that moment, they also commonly use telepathic forms of communication. For example, your dog might give you a look that you know means that it’s time to go for a walk! That look is designed to hold your attention long enough to convey the dog’s thought to you; no barking or body language is entered into until the dog sees that the penny has dropped, and you have realised what was communicated by thought alone.
Energetic Communication
By simply observing your pets or standing at a field gate and watching a herd of animals move around each other over a half hour or so, you will quickly begin to appreciate just how subtle but definite the language of energetic communication is. Animals who live in herds are prey animals, the herd structure keeps them safer and provides a hierarchy where each animal knows it’s place and who to look to for guidance, protection and even who to push against to gain dominance for themselves. See if you can tell who the “lookout” is, keeping watch so that the other members of the herd may graze or rest safely. Does this duty change over time? And when another animal took over, what were the subtle signs of the changing of the guard? Did you feel an energetic shift just before there was a change of positioning?
Horses have the ability to hear the beat of our heart at a distance of several metres, and to synchronise their own heartbeat with ours. It’s what they do in the herd, so that if one member of the herd becomes aware of a threat to safety, and suddenly has a raised heart rate as the adrenaline kicks in with the “flight” response, they feel the change and react instantaneously and as one to the perceived danger.
Consciously Present
This synchronising of the heartbeat is one reason why people find themselves soothed by being in the presence of a horse. Being consciously PRESENT with the horse and allowing that to draw us together as sentient beings in a calm and non-threatening way. Equally, when in the presence of any animal who is nervous or agitated, if we consciously breathe slowly and deeply, lowering our own respiratory rate and our heartbeat, the animal will respond by calming down and relaxing. This is all a way of communicating that we are not a threat, making it possible to set up trust between us.
Despite being by nature predators, cats and dogs have become domesticated and now rely on us their owners to provide food, water, shelter, and care. So, it is always beneficial to them to be able to tell us how they are feeling and allow us to make any changes to the routine that might be necessary.
The basic tools to open up the possibility to communicate with an animal are, therefore, a quiet mind, a calm approach, and a willingness to listen. You also need to be able to focus wholly on the animal in question, so if you aren’t actually present with them, you will need a photo to work from.
It’s very important to respect the animal’s desire to communicate or not! You might not like to be roused from a lovely sleep by someone eager to chatter away, and so it is with animals. If you’re working from a distance, please always ASK! It can be useful to get the owner of the animal to let you know when they are quiet and not being fed or exercised in order that you don’t find yourself struggling to get through to the animal whilst they are distracted in some way.
Calming your Mind
Once you have identified your subject, spend a few moments calming your mind and letting your thoughts slow down. Take some deep breaths, and feel the energy flowing up through your feet, and out through the crown of your head as you breathe IN, then flowing in through the crown of the head and out through your feet as you breathe OUT. Once you are calm and grounded you are ready to begin.
Focus on the animal, either next to you or in the photograph, and feel the connection between your own mind and their mind strengthen.
Ask permission to see and feel what they wish to convey to you.
Then simply allow yourself to FEEL whatever comes. You may see images, hear words (not always full sentences), be aware of a smell, or just KNOW something they are saying to you.
You can ask them specific questions such as do they like their food, are they happy in their home, have they got any discomfort anywhere etc. It is really important to note that nobody other than a vet may diagnose illness in an animal and if you are in any way concerned you must always consult your vet. However, a communicated discomfort may give guidance as to where to investigate further if needed.
Most animals are delighted when they see that someone is listening to them, and they will become chatty and engaged with the process. You might find that you doubt yourself, but even if you don’t get it right first time it doesn’t matter because the animals are always patient, and they will show things in a different way to help us understand something. Just ASK. If you’re puzzled by something you hear, ask them to explain it in a different way or give you more information to help you understand better.
Breaking Connection
After some time, you may feel the animal becoming tired or just breaking the connection, and at this point you should thank them for communicating with you and begin to bring your own thoughts back to the space and time of the present. Have a stretch, a glass of water, and note down any impressions you had, any words or images that came to you, and your own thoughts about the connection you have made. Keeping a journal is useful and it gives you something to measure your progress with over time.
It’s worth mentioning that animals who have passed into Spirit are just as able to communicate with us and this brings great comfort and reassurance to their owners.
Animal Communication and offering healing to animals and their owners or carers is something that I have always found to be rewarding, and an absolute privilege. I hope that you will find as much joy as I have in communicating with our animal friends!
Animal Communication was written by Vanessa, PIN: 3900