20 Mar 2015
Divination Spectrum
Through the ages there have been many different divination techniques.
These methods have arrived from diverse cultures, at points in time they may have been feared, ridiculed and even tested by science. Some of these modes of divining the future have made it in to modern times, and many of our psychic readers offer these practises as part of your reading should you choose.
- Astrology is possibly one of the easiest areas for us to understand, in that most of us grown up aware of what our ‘star sign’ is, and will see horoscopes in the press from a young age. But it is a complex subject and perhaps one area that has more scientific basis than other methods of divination. A professional Astrologer, such as Chrystalyte from The Circle of Professional Clairvoyants is able to determine much about you as a result of creating your birth chart. No one will have the same chart as you; your chart will show exactly where the stars were when you were brought in to this world. Some of this will influence how you have behaved in the past, what your life and relationships have been like and so on. If you have an e-mail reading with Chrystalyte you will be able to ask the questions you need answers too, the charts symbolism will reveal the answers for you!
- Runes are like a divination alphabet, a set is normally made up of 24 or 25 stones, typically inscribed with Norse symbols. The ru from rune means secret mystery, the small tablets are considered to have magical abilities. No one really knows what each of the rune symbols originally meant, but the combination of vertical and diagonal lines on each stone now have standard interpretations for modern rune casting. But you do not have to accept these interpretations, when you get your own stones – you can meditate with each one and make your own decisions about what they mean to you. There are different spreads that can be carried out, but a simple place to start would be to focus on a question, pull a rune out of the bag at random and interpret the symbol.
- The I Ching dates back thousands of years; it is probably one of the best starting methods for someone honing their psychic abilities. I Ching in and itself does not exactly divine the future. But more it is used to guide the searcher to their own answers. Often in situations we will know the right thing to do, but for some reason we are hesitant, I Ching helps to allay any fears, leaving us clear on our forward path. The I Ching system is sometimes known as the Book of Changes, it consists of 64 interlinked hexagons, each with its own commentary. In order to decide on the hexagon, 3 coins are thrown three times. More than 4000 answers are possible when you take in to account the lines of hexagons. At the root of I Ching philosophy is yin and yang and the belief that there is no such thing as chance, only cause and effect!
- Palmistry is one of the oldest forms of divination, but perhaps is the one also open to the most ridicule. Very few of us will not have encountered the practise in some negative way – be it portrayed in a movie or TV programme, as a gypsy just reading love lines…But in reality the skills goes much deeper than that. Evidence of Palmistry or Chiromancy as it is sometimes known was found in ancient China around 3000 BC. Broadly speaking the method looks at the shape of the hands and fingers as well as the mounds on the palms and the lines. Just like your DNA, your palm is unique to you – no one’s lines will follow the same pattern. All of the markings will tell a story about your life, observations about your artistic or physical talents can be made, alongside your health, your likely life span, how lucky you will be, you’re romantic life, your finances, your intelligence, emotions, intuition and more…
- Numerology is a great practise for those who have a more logical mind. The skill lends itself to the belief that the world is constructed mathematically and that the vibrations of places, objects and people can be expressed through numbers. Unique aspects of yourself such as your name, date of birth and place of birth are reduced to number format, so that your destiny can be determined. The Greek mathematician and philosopher ‘Pythagoras’ said “The world is built upon the power of numbers,” he believed that the numbers one to nine represented the stages of life people follow. By connecting people and numbers, a prediction could be made as to their fate.
If you would like to experience a reading using one of the above skills, then why not peruse our reader profiles and then choose the right psychic for you: http://www.psychicreadings.org.uk/psychic-readers