28 Jun 2024
Ghosts: Supernatural

Even since I was very young, I have been fascinated with the Supernatural and the law behind the different entities, ghosts, spirits and animals. Over a few articles, I hope to shed a bit of light on some of these beings and hopefully give you the information you need to recognise and understand them, whether it be in more depth than before or even introducing you to them for the first time.
In this first article I thought it would make sense to look at ghosts, seeing as though they are some of the most widely talked about (and witnessed) elements of the supernatural world. Ghosts are not to be confused with poltergeists and in a future article I will look in detail at poltergeists. But, first let’s take a look at ghosts…
Ghosts are the spirits of people who have now passed over. Seen as though they were once human, they tend to take the form and mannerisms of the persons they once were. Sometimes ghosts can linger in this world because they feel the need to let the living know something, or they feel they have unfinished business in our world. Other times ghosts may not actually realise they have passed over and simply try to continue their past lives, stuck in a sort of ‘Groundhog Day’ scenario.
If a ghost is staying within our realm to try to give someone living some information or finish off what they consider to be unfinished business they will often try to appear to friends or family members, trying to convey the information they feel the need to pass on. This can often be quite upsetting for the living involved for obvious reasons. If you, however, feel that a ghost is trying to communicate with you it is always worth trying your best to listen and let them convey whatever it is they want to. You may find it easier to do this if you directly ask the question “what are you trying to tell me?”. You could also try leaving certain items around that you feel this spirit may be drawn to or are linked to their past life. If you find these items to be moved or you feel you are being pushed towards any of them this could be a clue as to the information the ghost is trying to give you. Playing familiar music or films can also trigger spirits to guide you to information they seek to deliver. Some ghosts may stay around a living friend or relative simply because they are worried about them in some way and are keen to offer support. Once this living person is ‘out of the woods’ these ghosts tend to move on by themselves.
From one Realm to Another
Ghosts almost always appear in a similar (or exactly the same) form as their previous bodies. When a ghost is present you may, more often than not, feel a drop in temperature or a pocket of cold air in a room. Strange smells are often associated with the presence of a spirit and it is also common for electrical items and lights to ‘play up’.
The most important thing if you feel the presence of a ghost is to not panic. Remember these spirits were once human so they will understand you. Assuming that you do not feel a sense of evil or wrongdoing (if you do feel this then it is best to simply explain to the spirit calmly that you do not wish to communicate with them and ignore any further attempts they may make), then always ask the ghost what it is they want to communicate with you. Once they have done this, they will find it easier to pass onto the next realm. If you think a ghost is stuck in this realm because they do not realise, they have passed on, it is often useful for you to calmly tell them that they must move on now, and not to be afraid. This will guide them on their way.
I hope this gives you a bit of insight into this Supernatural entity and also lets you communicate successfully if you ever encounter one.
Best wishes, Sarah – PIN: 9888