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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Movie Poster Columbia

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

August 14, 2019

If you saw press coverage from the Cannes film festival in May 19, then you may have already heard of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It is the latest offering from controversial director Quentin Tarantino. The film is set in the year of 1969. As […]


Aromatherapy for Summer

August 1, 2019

Although there are a few exceptions, generally aromatherapy essential oils are too potent to use direct on skin, and so should be diluted in a carrier oil before use. Essential oils have been used for centuries to cure a host of conditions, and have been […]


Numerology – It’s all in a Name!

July 25, 2019

You have probably heard of Numerology, an ancient form of foretelling the future. The Ancient Egyptians assigned magic numbers to certain letters, but the real science behind numerology was captured by the Hebrews and Greeks, who assigned a specific number to each of the 22 […]

Healing Foods

Healing Foods for Summer

July 12, 2019

These days it is easy to forget that foods have a season, as so many items are available in the supermarket’s month in and month out. Many of the healing foods available to us have exceptional abilities, and even more so when they are eaten […]

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

June 20, 2019

Why not embrace the sacred potential of this year’s Summer Solstice? The whole period of Litha, can be seen as a time to review our goals, hopes and dreams. The summer solstice period is a way to mark our progress on our calendar of life! […]


Faeries Magic

May 22, 2019

As children we often read about fairies, otherwise known as faeries, but as you age you often lose the magic and enchantment that the fey folk can bring to your life. This spring, why not bring magical faeries back into your life and if you […]

Twin Flame

Twin Flame versus Soul Mate

May 10, 2019

There is often confusion between Soul-Mates and Twin-Flames. Spiritually speaking, you have many soul-mates, but only one twin-flame. It is possible that your twin-flame could be a romantic soul-mate for you, but it is much more likely that you will meet and settle down with […]

Spirit Animal

Spirit Animals

April 12, 2019

Spirit Animals are thought to go back thousands of years to indigenous and shamanic beliefs, sometimes they are also referred to as Totem Animals or Power Animals. Spirit Animals act very much like Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, in that they can have a significant […]


Astrology to find a holiday destination!

April 4, 2019

It is funny that just as spring makes an appearance that we start dreaming of summer, and more specifically summer holidays. Many of us will take the month of April to begin the process of deciding where to go on summer break. Of course, there […]



February 21, 2019

Anxious or Stressed Anxiety is one of those words, that has made it into the common psyche, we used to talk about being ‘stressed’, and now we often talk about being ‘anxious’. If you ask the average person if they are more or less anxious, […]


Let’s Talk About Sleep

February 8, 2019

We all know that getting enough shuteye is essential to our health and wellbeing, but for many different reasons, there may be times in our lives where good quality sleep alludes us! Many of us agonise over how many hours of sleep we should get, […]



January 22, 2019

Most of you will be familiar with the term Yoga, and probably think of it as a form of exercise, but in fact, its origins are in healing and spiritual development. Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union – the relationship between mind, body and […]

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