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Astrology astronomy earth moon space saturn planet solar system creation. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

The Origin of Horoscopes

November 20, 2015

Astrology has become increasingly popular since its beginnings over 3,000 years ago, making appearances in daily newspapers, magazines and now even in downloadable apps. This means that you can easily get hold of your horoscope forecast. Horoscopes are prevalent in the modern world, but have […]

Signs of the Zodiac

What is Your Real Star Sign?

Star signs have gained popularity over the years with inclusions in monthly, weekly and even daily publications, but how do you know which one is yours? The origin of horoscopes dates back to over 3,000 years ago, with astrologists believing that the alignment of the […]

Couple having coffee

Looking for Love in an Electronic World

November 13, 2015

Finding someone compatible, someone who has the same interests as you do can be difficult. People no longer meet just through friends and relatives, at pubs or through work. They meet on the internet, through online dating and social networking sites. Obviously these methods have […]

Sick Person

Flu season is upon us…

October 30, 2015

Autumn is here and it is a lovely time of the year, but of course it is not without its stresses. The run up to Christmas can become stressful: Finishing work deadlines so you can have time off, food shopping in crowded supermarkets, trying to […]

Intuition Sign

Intuition Quiz

October 7, 2015

Intuition, gut feeling, sixth sense! Whatever you want to call it it’s a powerful tool in how you run your life, assuming you listen to it! Most of us have some level of intuition, and this psychic sensitivity can be enhanced, but there is a […]

Dream Scene

Lucid Dreams

September 25, 2015

Do you know the difference between Lucid Dreams and ordinary Dreams? Well, lucid dreaming is defined by you knowing that you are dreaming! When you are in the middle of a dream, on some level you are aware that you are not experiencing reality, but […]

lady covered in paint depicting aura colours

Aura Layers

September 11, 2015

As humans it is believed that we have two bodies, a physical body and an ‘auric body’ – an invisible energy. When we astral travel the aura separates from the physical body, but at other times it is felt as an outline to the physical […]

head made of jigsaw pieces

Mind Reading

August 21, 2015

If you think that being able to read minds would be a cool way to know what everyone around you is thinking, you may find out a few things you did not know! When it comes to reading your lovers mind, what if there are […]

Lizzie's Story

Lizzie’s Story

August 18, 2015

Life isn’t going exactly as Lizzie planned. She was left pregnant by a married work colleague who wants nothing to do with her; and she’s worried about what might happen when she has to return to work after the pregnancy. She’s become overwhelmed by her circumstances. […]

fruit & veg stall abroad

Holiday Cuisine

August 7, 2015

If you are going on holiday this year you might be able to pick up more than a straw donkey! It is a well known fact that the UK is currently suffering from an obesity epidemic where as other countries seem to have less weight […]

red wine making a heart from glasses

Libido Diet

July 24, 2015

A scientific study carried out by Harvard University demonstrated that junk food damaged men’s fertility. They analysed hundreds of diets and those that ate sweets, energy drinks, red meat and white carbs had poorer sperm mobility. So if you are hoping to conceive get your […]

yoga pose

What does Spirituality mean to you?

July 10, 2015

Spirituality is viewed as being many things depending upon whom you ask. Some may associate it with being religious. Others believe it is the essence of what we are. The association of the body and mind beyond the material world as we search for the […]

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